Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Dignity and Respect a Campaign sponsored by Romantic Depot to Prevent Vi...

Dignity and Respect A campaign by Romantic Depot sex shop to prevent violence against women. Watch Donna Marie Lombardi of Black Ink Crew from VHI discuss her past abusive relationships.

What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence is not solely physical abuse— it’s the exhibition of any malicious behavior with the intention to gain control and power over a significant other or family member. While it may be easy to blame this sort of behavior on anger, mental health issues, or drugs and alcohol, it is important to remember that domestic violence is a learned behavior.

What Causes Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence is entirely situational, so each case has its own unique set of circumstances. However, many cases share a few commonalities. Generally, a perpetrator or victim of domestic violence has a prior history of similar abuse, whether it be with different partners or family members. Often, this can become compounded by external stressors such as financial difficulties, problems at work, or a new addition to the family. Abusers may also feel the need to control their partner as a way of affirming dominance and dealing with insecurities he or she has in the relationship.

Types of Domestic Violence & Warning Signs
Different forms of domestic violence include, but are not limited to: • Physical abuse
• Verbal Abuse: coercion, threats, and blame
• Emotional abuse and intimidation
• Sexual abuse
• Isolation
• Use of male privilege
• Economic abuse
• Confront the abuser about their actions
• Seek group counseling with the abuser

How Does a Lack of Positive Male Role Models Contribute to Domestic Violence?
The lack of a positive male role model can have a deep and lasting impact on a child’s life. When a young man doesn’t have a positive male role model in his life to properly guide him towards success, he will typically lean onto his own understanding of the world without a compass to guide him. This may result in observing male role models or peers who have a negative view of women and adopting their ideologies, thus making it extremely difficult to later develop healthy relationships with women.

How Does a Male Role Model Benefit the Lives of Young Men? When a positive male role model is present in a young man’s life, it is reflected in a healthy outlook on society and positive attitude towards women. Men with positive role models become constructive members of society, with a decreased likelihood of becoming incarcerated, and a significantly greater chance of obtaining an education, gainful employment, and helping to empower women. When given the tools for success, young men with positive role models will utilize them efficiently, and encourage other young men to do the same, helping to break a negative cycle.

About Dignity and Respect Romantic Depot has recently launched Dignity and Respect, a new campaign created as an answer to the substandard sex education offered in our local public school systems. This exclusive campaign is being offered primarily to urban and suburban areas for marginalized young men, who may not have had two parents at home, in order to provide them with proper parenting and mentoring on sexual wellness and education.

To receive a free pamphlet and gift visit a Romantic Depot store near you. For directions visit us at

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